Friday, July 23, 2010

Dont Make Me Hit You

Have you ever been in the situation where you almost accidentally hit a pedestrian? Like, backing out of a busy parking lot, and you slam on your breaks when you realize there is a person behind you? And you fell HORRIBLE about it? Like, "I'm the world's worst driver. I should have my liscence taken away!". I used to get that.

I was driving home from work one day, and in my neighborhood, I came to a stop sign, where I was turning left. The sun was in my eyes, so I'm turning left reallly slow, like, stupid slow; because of the SUN! Next thing I know, a runner is RIGHT in front of my car, flaling his arms like "WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!?!?". I start screaming to myself, and hopefully he can hear me "OH MY GOD! I'm so sorry!" and off he goes. I'm horrified the remaining 2 minute drive home, thinking, I have a HUGE blind spot in my car! This car should be recalled! I almost killed someone. Well, in that 2 minutes it took me to get home, my mood changed real quick.

Wait a minute, I'm in a 2 ton vehicle, at a stop sign, and started slowly turning. That prick saw ME!!! Why didnt he stop? He may have the right of way, but that doesnt mean i can even see him! He assumed because the law says he has the right of way, I just can see him. I became PISSED! I wished I could go back two minutes before. I would have gotten out of my car and chased him down. I was MAD!

So today, I'm getting my little nugget, Ben his special dog food at PetSmart. I'm pulling out of the tight parking lot, and once my car is in reverse, my back up camera flips on. So I see a lady walking STRAIGHT towards my car, while I am reversing. Should I not have this camera, I would not see her. She's not stopping. I'm getting mad. At the last moment, she vears off and gives me the right of way. After all, she's walking in the middle of a strip mall parking lot. Its suicide. So I pull out of the spot, and turn on the "road" to get out of the "mall" and what happens next? Some hooker just walks out right in front of my car, so i have to SLAM on my breaks! I"M ABOUT TO LOSE MY MIND!

Moral of the story kids: That may be a cross walk, but hurling your fat body in front of, or behind my SUV will land you in the morgue. End of story.

1 comment:

Stephani said...

I totally agree!!!!!! People need to watch where they are going!!!