Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mea Culpa

A few days ago, i woke up and could barely drink my morning coffee. My jaw was throbbing everytime I moved it. I was so scared I had TMJ. I scoured the internet googling "jaw pain" and I pretty much kept getting hit with Sinus-related or TMJ. TMJ means one thing: Orthodontist (dentist) whatever! Let me stop here to tell you, i HATE the dentist. They are all shisters and theives, and would give your teeth an enema if they thought it would make them more money.

Moving forward.

So after 3 days of taking Sudafed and Ibuprofin all day with no relief, I call my dentist. She says "its either sinuses or TMJ". See, genius. She says call your orthodontist. omg....

I call orthodontist. It goes like this "i think i have TMJ or Sinus problems. What should I do?" Her: "come in and see us" Me: "well, i talked to my dentist, she says wait and see. Oh hey, do you take my insurance? My form says you do". Her: "oh, that's a tricky question. One day we do, one day we dont". Me: "wtf does that mean. My form was updated 2 days ago, i think you do" Her: "We cant make any promises. So, this appointment? I can get you in next Tuesday". Me: "peace out lady".

So I am sitting at my desk scratching my jaw, thumping at it a little, thinking "Sinuses or TMJ?" Then I remember, my mother gave me a neti pot a while back swearing up and down it was a miracle worker for sinus sufferers. Well, if you know me, you know I throw EVERYHTING away unless its something designer, or shiny (neti was neither). So, I go up to walgreens and get a new neti pot. I get back to my office, and go straight to the bathroom to try out said pot.

I lean over the sink and get started. After the pot has emptied, and all is clear, i straighten up, blow my nose, and POP! I see stars and its like a new day. My jaw is instantly 50% better. And continued to get a little better over the next 2 hours. Then it started tightening up again, so I did it again. 2 hours later, its tighter again. I'm thinking i'll hold off till I get home and show John the goo dripping out of my nose. Its pretty neato. So, here's to mom, because mom knows best.

1 comment:

Stephani said...

Matt loves the neti pot!