Wednesday, May 5, 2010

If it's not one thing, its your Mother

Well, the Neti Pot can suck it. That worked for like, A minute. Turns out, it was TMJ. Classic symptons. MAJOR pain. How did I get relief? Oh was it ever sweet relief. I'll spare you the details, but basically, change of wedding venue. After some major malfunctions (none by me, thank you!) and some SERIOUS raging at the sluts at the venue, i think i got the stress relief I was seeking. I woke up the next morning with less pain, and less everyday. I'm still not able to open my jaw entirely, but I'm sure I will soon enough!

The switch of venue may actually have been a blessing in disguise. Why? There is only room for one bitch at a wedding, and pardon me for thinking I should have the right. Well, I was at my wits end with the "director" of that place. There were way too many hands in one pot, and was she ever an ignorant miserable bitch. She insisted to only communicate through email, and wanted to charge me $250 to come out and take pictures for the florist. I'd had enough. I think she had enough too when I attempted to call her, and got a 5 minute voice recording. i left a nice message- basically something about something being shoved in her eye---i dont recall entirely. That pretty much ended our affair.

So, we are happy where we are. Everything is sympatico. YAY!

1 comment:

Stephani said...

ha ha! Yay so happy that you are happy now.