Monday, July 12, 2010

What's Up! I'm Adriane

Hey there! Been a while, huh? Well, there's been a lot going on, and not a lot at the same time. I'm pretty satisfied with how things are right now, in terms of wedding planning. We've had engagment pictures, engagement party, wedding dress selection (out of town!), food selections, music selections, etc etc etc! All the while, John's actively looking for a new job, and he's expanded his search out of state. I'm quite pleased with this idea, because I'm getting a little burned out with our current surroundings. I love that our families are here, and we have friends here, but I need a change of scenery. I also know, i can sort of work in any field. I've "done it all" and I can always do design out of the house. So we'll see what the future holds for us there. Our wedding is less than 4 months away, and the waters have calmed a little. I'm finally enjoying our engagement, and really soaking it in. Just a few minor details and we are good to go!

The dogs are just nuttier than ever. We just cant stand how much we love them. They are such a motley crew, they make us laugh incesently!
I'll wrangle up some good posts in the weeks to come. I'm feeling adventurous, and we all know what that means....

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