Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hard to believe I've slacked so much on the blog.  I think my lack of children to blog about makes me feel out of the blog-loop perhaps.  So, considering I have no children to blog about- read at your own risk!

So what's new with us? I'll say tons!  As many of you know, John's been out of work for almost a year! So, after countless hours of searching for jobs, and always wondering what he really wants to do with his life.  Amidst all of this "soul searching", once again, St. Louis gets voted #1 in the country for violent crime, and with that comes an email from my friend in Denver who owns a crime scene cleaning biz asking if we'd be interested in becoming a franchise of his business. After thinking on it for a while, we declined to franchise, but John and his best friend decided to embark on their own gig, and from that came Bio-Clean 911!  They've spent a lot of time researching, investing, and selling the business, and are finally up and running, ready for crime! They spent a week in Denver shadowing crime scene cleaners, and have seen about as bad as it can get. Their stomachs held strong, and they are excited to get started.  Follow them on facebook to keep up to date with their success!!

And, I'm happy to announce, after 3 LONG years living in the equivalent of a fraternity house, and getting the question "um, didn't you study interior design?", we've finally grown up and bought our "big girl" furniture. Yes, its true. The real-deal. No pottery barn here. Antiques, and custom furniture. Little girl's happy!

Dogs are all alive- Charlotte has not killed anyone/anything since her schooling in December. While she's leaning toward her homicidal ways at times, once we get her training collar back on her, and get some training sessions in, she's right as rain!

I promise to keep up to date with the blog, and expect to hear more about Bio Clean 911.  We're excited, scared, and nervous all at the same time!

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