Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 4

Juice FEAST day 4: Um, tired. My stomach was really messed up until this morning. Doing a little research, I found citric acid in all the juiced fruits can cause major stomach cramps. So, I toned down the fruits, and added more veggies, voila! A little better. In 4 days, I've definetly dropped lbs (which I'm sure is just water weight), my skin is SO clear, and my sleeping is amazing. Mentally, I'm sidetracked about how low-energy I am. But, for one week, I can rest. Tomorrow DAY is my last day. Tomorrow night, I'll have a big salad. Monday will be more mindful eating. Low Dairy, Gluten, wheat. Fruits and Veggies galore. Simple, and easy.

I've been doing a ton of reading lately. I've almost finished the third in the series of Steig Laarsen books. I have to admit- they're just Ok. There was no major anything that kept me going. I read them at an alarmingly slow pace. But, I'd recommend them nevertheless. I've also been reading about Adobe Illustrator and SLR photography. I start classes in Septemeber for them. Basically, I'm freshening up on college classes. I took so many classes in college on all of this, but totally didnt even care about it. I just wanted to be done. I didnt realize how you can incorporate these things in your day to day life, and make amazing things.

August 5th and 6th are two pretty major dates in the Denny house. Charlotte turns one on the 5th, and Oscar turns 3. The dogs have been training on their invisible fence. I'm incredibly nervous that charlotte and oscar will zip right through it at the sight of either a squirrel or a person. We'll see...

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