Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Peace Out, August

To one of the hottest months I can remember, I say "get lost". Its been so hot. Things are sticky and sweaty that shouldn't be, and if i have to stay indoors and smell that unhealthy stink from our A/C one more minute, I might lose it. BUT! We are entering into my FAVORITE time of year--- FALL!!! And, even more, my wedding is just around the corner. The weather is cooling off (mid 80's here in St. Louis) and the humidity is taking a back seat to cool breezes. I love it, and it makes the ubearable heat a distant memory! So, here's to a new outlook for fall.

If I haven't mentioned I've started taking Fridays off from work. With a little negotiating, I've even managed this feat without a decrease in pay. What! You say?! Well, I'm a good kid, that's how. So, while Fridays were SUPPOSED to be playing catch up on all tasks wedding related, they've become my busiest day. My schedule is packed full of things that must be done during the week, and that means Friday. This week, I'm excited to say John is leaving for his bachelor party weekend. That's RIGHT! Excited! Adriane needs her space, and its been lacking lately. I need a ME night that will include a glass of wine, bath tub, mani/pedi stuff and a scary movie. OH! And my kids! BLISS!

On a sidenote: If youre a facebook friend of mine, you'll know I posted a little something about the lack of respect amongst people these days. Not to cast judgement, but just a little enlightenment: My political affilition doesnt define me- but I'm proud of it. I'd vote for my president again. I'd also never disrespect someone if they wont vote for him. That's called respecting one another's opinions. And, I respect my elders, I respect all races, religions and political affiliations. People are people. Be nice, ok?

1 comment:

Stephani said...

love this picture!:)